Легендарные брелки-фонарики за полцены
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и брелоки эти туда уже не первый раз попадают, ну, может, только цвета другого были
а фонарики зачётные.
только у меня так?
жму Add to cart — кидает в корзину и пишется «Shopping Cart is Empty». Пробовал в Chrome/IE залогиненым и нет
You started this message at 5/17/2012 02:59:22
Good day! I would like to make an order «Super Flashlight Keychain 22000mcd (Green) 10pcs». But when im adding it to my shopping cart — it saying its empty. How can i make an order? Thx in advance!
Jing.Wu replied this message at 5/17/2012 03:59:10
Dear vedmed,
Thanks for your contacting.
We apologize for any inconvenience and trouble this may have caused you.
The process for making an order is as follows:
1. Log in www.focalprice.com
2. Search the product you want.
3. Click «Add to cart».
4. Click “Check out with PayPal”.
5. Complete the payment.
6. The order is made and you get the order No. in " Order List"
Is it clear for you?
Any furthur question please feel free to contact. Nice day!
Kind regards
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